

  М. Tarasenko


In 2001, the Lviv Historical Museum passed part of the Egyptian collection for display at the Museum of Oriental civilizations (Lviv Art Gallery department) in the “Chinese Palace” of the Zolochiv castle. Among other monuments, there are three fragments of coffins in this collection. The paper is devoted to the fragment of the lateral wall of the decorated inner (?) coffin inv. no LHМ.А–3182/2. The monument is dated by the Third Intermediate period. The text on it preserved important information – the name and titles of the coffin owner: “Mistress of the house, the chanters of Amun, Mw.t-m-wiA”. Other parts of coffin belonging to this woman are unknown. But there are two funerary scrolls belonging to the priestess with the same titles and name: Book of the Dead scroll pLondon BM EA 10003 and Amduat-papyrus pLondon BM EA 10006. So, assuming the identity of the owners of the coffin fragment in Zolochiv and London scrolls, one can conclude that Mw.t-m-wiA was a part of the clergy of priestess Mut in Thebes in the beginning – middle of the 21st Dynasty.

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Coffin Fragment, Museum of Oriental Civilizations, Mutemuia, Zolochiv Castle


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